ICECAST (passed this onto someone who wanted to put more time into it)
XGlobe Home / .deb(1.08 Mbytes) / .rpm(1.08 Mbytes) / .tgz Wireless Network/TerraServer IDW mapping program
F.I.R.E Forensics and Incident Response Environment
Cyrus imapd projects Fully contained mail system with virtual setup and patches. Visit their web site.
Public Key Server PHP Cache
Test Page
pks-commands Source
The problem with PKS servers is that you need to have access to the server which
usually runs on port 11371. However, if you want to access it from within a
proxied environment or from behind the scenes it can cause some problems. I've
taken the standard pks-commands.html file and made it a simple php proxy. It will
connect from the PHP server to the chosen PKS server and GET public keys (translating
the returned URL to be this script so if multiple keys are found it will redirect
back through the script again). It also support POSTing new keys to the specified
PKS server.
Using MRTG to monitor system resources
Spamassassin sa-learn through remote imap shared folder
Convert MP3 Recurse through subdirectory & convert (using xing) mp3 to different bitrate